Sunday, 12 October 2008

Todd Springer's Wood Kiln

Hey Todd's got his wood kiln just about done, and it's time to cut wood for an October 25th first firing. Todd figgers he'll need 10 face cords, and the firing (to 2,380F) will take 3 days. So here's some photos.....
I decided to ride out to his farm on Old Mission Peninsula, about 10 miles from town. Here's riding east on Washington St.....lots of people out on bikes today.

And some walking.

Nope I'm not riding a fixed gear bike today, plenty of weather for that still to come.

Control panel.

The bomb.


Todd Springer


The view back to Traverse City

Todd's CSA Garden

His 104 year old barn.

Walking down to the kiln.

There's the chimney....

Unloading wood and catching rays.

Todd's new kiln.

I'll be posting some more photos during the firing...of the pots going in and the frantic stoking during the firing.

And here's a video of riding down Peninsula Drive on the way back.

Stay tuned.


roscoe said...

ah, the home stretch!

Tractor Operator said...

Let's see some pots! Did you glaze the work, use flashing slips or just the color from the ash? I'm excited to see the results. First firing is always so nerve-racking!